Sunday, December 19, 2010

This is Amy in her cheerleader Christmas dance at the North Sevier boys basketball game.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day Everyone!

I started the day helping Amy deliver these flowers. The flowers were for a cheerleading fundraiser. We delivered 18 flowers. I think I was the only one who had 4 flowers. Thanks for supporting your sister kids. Zach's flower said, "It's all your fault my life is so great!" My kids also gave me real flowers. Thank you kids! Your great.
I usually don't like to go to sacrament meeting on Mother's Day because I feel guilty for not being a great mother but this year was different. Whitney's Sunday school class spoke and they were all very honest and funny. The Primary kids sang and the younger kids had flower face masks. That is one of the things I loved about Primary, wearing the flowers masks and singing for our mother's. Josh thought I was crazy but I loved it. Whitney read a poem in her talk. She told me after the meeting that she had written it for me. Thank you Whitney! Thank you to all my kids. It has been a great Mother's Day.

Whitney's Poem:


She taught me how to run and walk
She taught me how to pray and talk
She taught me how to give and share
She taught me how to love and care

She taught me how to read and write
She taught me how to fly a kite
She taught me how to love the Lord
She taught me what to do when bored

She is the one I look up to
The one I want to be like
The one who will do anything with me
Even go on a very long hike

My mother is an angel
Sent from up above
The women who through thick and thin
Will always have my love

The First 25 Years

Has it really been 25 years? Time flies when you are having fun! Jim and I celebrated our 25th Wedding Anniversary on April 23rd. Our kids got us a room at the Anniversary Inn. We stayed in the Enchanted Forest room. I can now say I have slept in a tree. Thank you kids! It was a lot of fun.

Josh made a video (see the link below) and posted it on youtube as a present to us and as an assignment for his digital media class. (Way to multi task Josh. :)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Michael's Play

This year Michael did the play Aladdin. He had fun and played Jafar's parrot Iago. They did great!

The boy playing Jafar is Michael's friend on the far left. He is only about a head taller than him, but Michael swears he is a giant.

Michael put LOTS of character into his part.

Sorry I have been trying to find the SD card that these pictures were on and finally found them. Here are the pictures of Whitney's first date. It was a Western themed dance as you can see.

This is her whole group.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

In Honor Of Whitney's First Date

Whitney had her first date last week and is on her second date tonight (with a different guy).
In her honor I found this poem. :)

A Short Love Poem
by Judith Vorst (changed a little by mom)

It's hard to love
The tallest guy
When you're the shortest girl,
For every time
You try to look
Your true love in the eye,
You see...his bellybutton.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

With a foot of snow this is what Whitney, Michael, and Josh did for two hours. It only fits one person, but you can sit up in it. Its suppose to be sixty degrees this next week and then snow again this weekend. The Joys of living in Utah!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

My Stoker Family