Sunday, October 18, 2009

Stand As An Example

If any of you are frequent readers of Jim's Facebook you may have heard that I have a book/calendar with my name on it. I can't really say I wrote it because I just put together what other people have written.

It all started last year when I was looking for a Christmas present for the Young Women in our ward. I have been the Young Women's President for the last 7 years. We had given the girls socks, candy, Cd's, Christmas ornaments and all the other usual presents. It was time for something new.

The girls had used President Hinckley's book "Stand a Little Taller" for our opening exercises. It was a little bit hard for them to understand sometimes so I thought a book like that on their level would be a great gift. I thought I would just whip one up in time for Christmas. I could copy it on colored paper and put the plastic spiral binding on it. It wouldn't be as nice as President Hinckley's book but you can't do too much on a limited budget.

It didn't happen. I started, but it took way longer than I thought it would. The girls got socks again, but they were cute fuzzy ones this time :)

I decided if I gave myself enough time I could get the project done by the next Christmas. This time I started in February. After looking at quotes until my eyes went blurry, I decided that I didn't want some cheesy looking book to give to the girls. I just didn't think they would take it serious. I had looked for something like this in the LDS bookstores before I started and I knew there wasn't anything like it out there. I had this bazaar thought that somebody might just be interested in publishing it. I called and e-mailed Deseret Book but they didn't ever call or e-mail back. (I recently saw a quote book for Young Women published by Deseret Book so that is probably why they were not interested in my book.) I contacted Cedar Fort Press and they actually took me serious and sent me a contract to write the book but they wanted the completed manuscript in 30 days. A negotiated a little bit more time and finally sent them the complete manuscript in the middle of July. I didn't hear back from them so I wasn't sure if they were going to publish it or not. They weren't obligated because I didn't have the manuscript done in time but I was still hoping they would be able to at least print enough books for me to give to my Young Women for Christmas.

Last week I was checking my e-mail and had a message from UPS. I wasn't expecting a package so I thought is was a junk e-mail and almost deleted it. I thought twice and opened it up to find out I was getting an 8 lb. package from Cedar Fort Press. Could it be my book??? I went to their website on-line and there it was under new releases. I hadn't seen their version of the book at all and it was different from mine but I thought it was kind of cute.

The title is "Stand As An Example" so I wanted to have girly shoes on the cover and on the background in the book. I also wanted to have quotes from President Monson and Sister Dalton but Deseret Book has exclusive rights to publish anything from living church leaders. It's not exactly what I dreamed of but I am thankful they published it and I don't have to worry about what I am going to give our Young Women this year for Christmas. Oops, hopefully none of our Young Women read my blog :)


lawnajo said...

THAT'S AWESOME! Congrats on being published! I saw it on Jim's Facebook, but I just thought he found an author with your name. I thought he was joking. Jim joking?? where would I ever get that idea? ;o) Cool, now I have to buy one.

LeenieGreenie said...

Great idea. I know what I am giving my Visiting Teachers for Christmas.

Cobbley Family said...

cool, usually it takes longer to get anything they will be looking forward to next years....feeling pressure yet??! Congrats!!

Calton Clan said...

I can sell them for $6.00 if anybody wants one.

lawnajo said...

Put me down for 2. I'll get them from you at Thanksgiving.

Sandra said...

Congrats I need 4!

Anonymous said...

Look at you go Annette. That's awesome.