MTC does not stand for Mother's Torture Chamber but somebody did tells us that the missionaries sometimes refer to it has spirit prison. Josh will soon find out. We dropped him off on Wednesday, September 10. I was the only one who cried. The kids were trying not to cheer too loudly. He has tortured them so much in the past week that they were ready for him to leave. I think Josh did this on purpose so they would cry when he left. We haven't heard from him since we dropped him off so he must be busy. For those who would like to write him his address is:
Elder Joshua Calton
MTC Mailbox #340
2005 N. 900 E.
Provo, Utah 84604-1793
He will be there until October 2. Most missionaries who are learning a language stay there longer so I think he will probably go tot the MTC in the Dominican Republic after he leaves Provo.
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