Saturday, November 22, 2008

Locks of Love

Whitney donated 11 inches of hair to Locks of Love.

Whitney has been thinking about getting her hair cut because it gets in the way at basketball. Yesterday she did it. She loves it! It made her feel better to be able to donate it to Locks of Love. The lady that cut her hair said the donation was worth $100 and inch. She has been growing it out for five years so I told her it would count as a Personal Progress goal. I'm sure somewhere it will brighten a child's life. Way to go Whit!


Calton Girls and Ang

All dressed up and ready for the midnight showing of Twilight.
Yes, we are crazy but doing crazy things makes life memorable. The movie was great if you just wanted to stare at good looking guys for two and a half hours. If you want dialogue or plot go see something else. If you don't read the books before you see the movie you probably won't understand anything. Edward spends a lot of time just staring at Bella. He may be able to read peoples minds but most of us don't have the same advantage. We were an hour and a half early but the only seats that were left were on the fourth row. The audience was pretty calm except for us. I think Whitney and Ang were the only ones in the audience screaming. It was great fun to be with my girls and Ang. I would do it again just to spend time with them. Thanks girls. How many days until the next movie Whit?

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Iraq Again

I promised Ang I would update my blog so here it is without pictures.

When Matthew didn't come home for Josh's farewell he promised he would be here for Christmas but he is going to Iraq instead. Of course he can't give us any details because everything is top secret but he did say he leaves sometime in December.

Josh got to Puerto Rico and all is well but only spoken is Spanish. I will post his letter and new address on his blog.

Whitney was chosen as student of the month at the high school. She was excited. She was nominated every year in middle school but never got it so it is about time they picked her. She will also be playing on the high school basketball team. Her games will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Emily and Amy are busy with dance. They will have a Christmas performance sometime in December.

We need to find Michael a hobby that does not involve technology. It will be good for him when swim team starts again. I wish Salina had an indoor pool so they could have swim team all year.

Zach needs to start his own blog so we can keep up on his news. So get one Zach, and update better than your mom does hers.

Jim is taking computer classes in hopes of becoming the next network specialist at Redmond Minerals.

I just found out I have taken way to many of the wrong classes for the wrong major. You think they could have told me this a little sooner but I sure feel smart ;P It will only take me two more years to finish my degree which should have only taken two years in the first place.

Twilight in only how many days? I'm not sure ask Whitney, but I know it is getting close and I am looking forward to watching it with my girls and missing a day of work.